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3 Finding Z f(g(x))g′(x)dx by substituting u = g(x) Example Suppose now we wish to find the integral Z 2x √ 1x2 dx (3) In this example we make the substitution u = 1x2, in order to simplify the squareroot term We shall see that the rest of the integrand, 2xdx, will be taken care of automatically in theProposition 111 Suppose that f;g A!R and f g Then sup A f sup A g;Of course if Gisn't a ball we might not be able to integrate along quite this path,butsimilarargumentswork Exercise 12 LetGbeanopensubsetofC DefineG= z z∈G Suppose that f G→C is analytic Show that f?

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More formally, f = g if f(x) = g(x) for all x ∈ X, where fX → Y and gX → Y 8 9 note 4 The domain and codomain are not always explicitly given when a function is defined, and, without some (possibly difficult) computation, one might only know that the domain is contained in a larger setQuestion 3 Functions f and g are give by f(x) = √(x 2) and g(x) = ln (1 x 2) Find the composite function defined by (g o f)(x) and describe its domain Solution to Question 3 Use the definition of the composite function to write (g o f)(x) = g(f(x)) = ln (1 f(x) 2) = ln (1 √(x 2) 2) = ln (1 (x 2)) = ln ( x 1) ; In order to find what value (x) makes f (x) undefined, we must set the denominator equal to 0, and then solve for x f (x)=3/ (x2);

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(f g) = R 1 0 f R 1 0 g and R 1 0 (cf) = c R 1 0 f (TC this should have been on the homework sheet also) Therefore Z 1 0 (f g) = Z 1 0 f Z 1 0 g = 0 0 = 0 and Z 1 0 (cf) = c Z 1 0 f = c0 = 0 Therefore f g 2U and cf 2U, showing that U is closed under addition and scalar multiplication We conclude that U is a subspace of R0;1(b) Since f and g are integrable on a;b, then f g and f g are integrable Since squares of integrable functions are integrable, then (f g)2 and (f g)2 are integrable Thus, by (a), 4fg is integrable and fg is integrable, as desired Question 5 Consider the function f on 0;1 given by f(x) = ˆ x if x 2Q 0 if x 62Q (a) Let P = f0 = t∇f(1,6,2)·→u = 8 (b) → ∇g= (∂g ∂x, ∂y, ∂z) = (eyz yez,xzeyz xez,xy(eyz ez));

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